Poodles are a breed of dogs that comes from Germany and France. These dogs are recognized because of their attractive coat. Their coat is long, closely curled and deep in texture. There is a special style in which the poodle fur is cut for the show ring.
These types of dogs are bred in three different sizes. They are known for their participation in shows and circus performances. A number of individuals keep these dogs because of their beauty. Unfortunately, these kinds of dogs are in addition discovered to be impacted by various health issues that mostly are of a hereditary nature. These types of problems can be noticed in just about every second poodle.
The most typical poodle problems involve eye conditions. It is essential that every poodle should be looked at by a veterinarian to be able to control this issue. Among various types of eye conditions the most typically discovered one is Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA). This particular eye problem is very harmful as it will grow worse as the dog grows older. This disorder can even cause blindness in dogs.
Distichiasis is among the most frequent poodle problems. In this condition an extra eyebrow begins developing. This disease can occur at virtually any age of the poodle's life. Entropion is one more disease of the eye. In this particular condition, the eyelid gets rolled in and because of this the eyeball is constantly disturbed by the eyelashes. This issue is quite common and is usually quickly addressed by any veterinarian.
Among the poodle problems related to their eyes, microthalmos will be the most severe one. In this particular condition the size of the eye gets smaller. The size of the eye very obviously seems to be smaller than normal. Abnormal tears or epiphora is additionally seen rather frequently. In this condition, spots develop beginning from the corner of the eye and into the entire face. Few other eye issues produce this type of problem. This particular disease will need to be taken care of just as quickly as possible or it will eventually cause severe trauma of the eye.
Apart from these eye diseases, other common problems among poodles include the Von Willebrand's disease. This condition is generated from blood disorders. The proteins that exist in the platelets are disturbed by this disorder. Numerous kinds of allergies are additionally found in poodles that are brought on for different reasons. These kinds of allergies may also result in various other issues such as pyoderma, pruritus and seborrhea.
Short legs abnormality is in addition observed largely in poodles due to the long bone cartilage ossification. Epilepsy, gastric torsion, congenital deafness, retained testicles and hip dysplasia are also prevalent problems that poodles are prone to. All these conditions must be treated as soon as possible to be able to keep the problem from becoming a lot more serious and to keep the poodle healthy.
About the Author
Are you looking for expert poodle help? Be sure to visit my site for information on poodle health problems and poodle separation anxiety.